Honeymoon Bible Plan

To Equip & Encourage

Resources and articles to help you in your journey to becoming a better father, husband, and leader in your home, business, and community.

The Origin & Character of a Leader

 "He chose David his servant and took him from the sheepfolds; from following the nursing...

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Receive Your Identity with Jeff Kemp | Podcast Episode 012

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Men don't earn their identity, they receive their identity. IMPACT...

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Speaking Up For Boys & Men with Blair Daly | Podcast Episode 011

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Blair Daly of the Washington Initiative for Boys and Men shares about the...

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Strength of Soul

“On the day that I called, you answered me; my strength of soul you increased.”...

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The Battle for Your Soul

“you will destroy all the adversaries of my soul, for I am your servant.” -...

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What Kind of Man are You?

“He is a beloved brother and faithful minister and fellow servant in the Lord.”...

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Course Corrections with Gary Chupik | Podcast Episode 010

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We all get detoured, but how do we correct the trajectory that we're...

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Finish What You Started

“The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord endures forever. Do...

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What Wives Want Their Husbands to Know About Parenting

Taken from Real Feedback

A few months ago, I observed a collection of women who were openly...

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From Toxic to Flourishing with Al Lopus | Podcast Episode 009

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Is the culture you are building in your workplace as a leader a flourishing...

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A Father to the Fatherless

 “A father of the fatherless, and a defender of the widows, is God in His holy...

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Be Reasonable

“Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand…” - ...

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