IMPACT Players Webinar:
FREE ONLINE TRAINING For ChurchĀ & Men's Group Leaders

How to Reach Men Who Are 'Done' With the Church

Presented by Warren Mainard, National Director of IMPACT Players

Sign up today to save your spot for this valuable free training!

Have you heard this before?

"I am done with church. It's just not for me. I don't get anything out of it, and there are too many things about the church that I just don't agree with anymore." - W
"I'm not going back to church right now. After what I went through at my last church, and the abuse of power that I've seen over the years, I am just not looking for that any more." - B
"I grew up in church, but since I became an adult, it just hasn't been a priority for me." - T
"I don't have a problem with the church, but Sunday is my only day off and between work, sports, and other family commitments, it's just not something I can add to my life right now." - H

These comments I have heard from specific men I know reflect a growing sentiment among men across the nation these days. Are you a devoted church leader with a heart for reaching men in your community? Have you found it difficult to reach and connect with men who feel disconnected or disillusioned with an institutional church setting? The need for innovative approaches to engage men and disciple them in their faith journey has never been greater.

T wasn't looking for church... he was looking for a community of older, wiser men to learn from and grow with. He wanted a band of brothers who would guide him as he was preparing to leave his bachelor days behind and become a married man. T joined an IMPACT Cohort and two years later, he and his wife are serving in a local church, growing as disciples, and learning how to build their lives, marriage, and family on the rock of Jesus and His Word. What happened to get T from where he was two years ago and where he is today is what our "How To Reach Men Who Are Done With Church" Webinar is all about!

Equipping You to Reach Men

Join us for this FREE and empowering webinar presented by IMPACT Players and hosted by Warren Mainard, National Director of IMPACT Players. Together, we'll tackle the challenge of connecting with men who have disengaged from church and equip you with practical strategies for effective outreach and discipleship.

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Connect with Like-Minded Leaders

Network with other church and ministry leaders who share your passion for reaching men and exchange valuable insights and best practices

Practical Strategies for Outreach

Learn proven strategies for effectively reaching and discipling men in your community, tailored to their unique needs and challenges.

Access to Resources

Gain access to a wealth of resources, including cohorts, curriculum, and video resources from IMPACT Players, to equip your men with the tools they need to reach their peers.

Equipping Men as Spiritual Leaders

Discover practical tips and techniques for empowering men to be spiritual leaders in their homes, workplaces, and communities, fostering a culture of faith and discipleship.

Inspiring Men to Step Up

Be inspired to challenge men to step up and take on leadership roles within the church, leveraging their talents and gifts to make a lasting impact.

IMPACT Players Library

Gain exclusive access to the IMPACT Players library of cohorts, curriculum, and video resources, designed to support your ministry efforts and enhance your outreach to men.

Featured Presenter

Warren Mainard is an IMPACT Player. He is a son, husband, father, friend and leader. With over 26 years of ministry and leadership experience, Warren brings enthusiasm, vision, and catalytic energy wherever he goes. He love his wife Leah and children Krista and Micah and has a deep understanding and empathy for the challenges and joys of marriage and parenting. Warren is a coach, consultant, speaker and author. He loves serving and building friendships with others and would love to connect with you.Ā Click theĀ button below to connect with Warren.

Email Warren

Unleash the Potential of Men in Your Community

This webinar isn't just about theoryā€”it's about equipping you with the tools, resources, and support you need to make a tangible impact in the lives of men in your community. Whether you're a pastor, men's ministry leader, or Christian business leader, this webinar will provide you with practical strategies and inspiration to reach men who are "done" with church and reignite their passion for faith and fellowship.

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